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Int 2F Fn 14FE  U - Dr-dos 5.0 Nlsfunc - Get Extended Country Information  [U]

   AX = 14FEh
   BX = code page (FFFFh=global code page) (see INT 21/AX=6602h)
   DX = country ID (FFFFh=current country) (see INT 21/AH=38h)
   ES:DI -> country information buffer
   CL = info ID
       01h get general internationalization info
       02h get pointer to uppercase table
       04h get pointer to filename uppercase table
       05h get pointer to filename terminator table
       06h get pointer to collating sequence table
       07h get pointer to Double-Byte Character Set table
   CF set (used to return error if not installed)

Return: CF clear if successful
       DS:SI -> requested information
   CF set on error

Notes: DR-DOS 5.0 NLSFUNC returns CF set and AX=0001h if AL was not 00h, FEh,
     or FFh on entry.
   the DR-DOS kernel calls this function on INT 21/AX=6501h
   the value in CL is not range-checked by the DR-DOS 5.0 NLSFUNC

See Also: AX=14FFh,INT 21/AH=65h

Format of DR-DOS COUNTRY.SYS file:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 126 BYTEs copyright notice (terminated with Ctrl-Z, padded with NULs)
 7Eh   WORD    signature EDC1h
 80h   var country pointer records
   Offset  Size    Description
    00h    WORD    country code (0000h if end of array)
    02h    WORD    code page
    04h    WORD    ??? (0000h)
    06h  7 WORDs   offsets in file for data tables for subfunctions
 var   var country information

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